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Bobbie comes with 35+ years of experience in the Medical Billing and Coding field. Holding several certifications with AAPC and AHIMA. She presently working within the Facility Revenue Finance Department for the VA in Columbus, Oh. Being a well rounded expert in the field, Bobbie's career previously involved Billing and Coding for several Orthopedic surgeons, OBGYN, Plastic surgeons, Anesthesia for a large company that has offices in 12 states, family practices and specialty Medical Departments at The Cleveland Clinic. Other areas of expertise also include working throughout the United States, doing Billing and Coding for VA Hospitals. In 2006 she started developing and teaching billing and coding programs for colleges. She has also partnered with many secondary schools and colleges and was awarded Master Teacher in 2013 from Ohio Association Career Colleges and Schools. Bobbie attended Akron University, Bryant, and Stratton Business College. She is from Northeast Ohio and now resides in Columbus Ohio.

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